Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Business Analytics for Managers_Module 2 DQ

Business Analytics for Managers_Module 2 DQ

Q • Explore the various open source data mining tools available online. • Provide a detailed analysis on the tools you chose to evaluate to include the following: o Brief explanation of tool and how it might be used to support data mining and analysis techniques used in business o Ease of Use o Benefits o Drawbacks o Are the tools you selected univariate or multivariate? o What are some of the major implications for using these tools? o How much time and resources would be needed to utilize these tools? o What types of business decisions would you be able to make after implementing the tools?

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Data mining can be regarded as the computational process to of patterns being discovered in the sets of large data engaging methods with the use of machine learning, database systems, artificial intelligence, and statistical analysis with the objective for information to be extracted from a set of data and convert it for further use into a structure that is understandable.